What is Modest Fashion?


Modest fashion movements or modest fashion trends are the latest addition in the fashion industry. 

These are exclusively-designed clothing to self-express without causing any harm to religious sentiments. Now, the religious movement might sound a little archaic but the fashion emerging out of it carries its own charm and dignity. A lot of people might think that these fashion movements are supporting Islamic beliefs. To the facts, this trend is a beautiful amalgamation of Eastern clothing and Western upbringing. 

Let's learn more about it

What is Modest Fashion?

Before confronting the big elephant in the room, let's first understand the purpose of fashion. What does staying in vogue make you feel? It makes you feel good about yourself, isn't it? Well, the purpose of fashion is to feel beautiful in one's own skin. 


Shop for this beautiful modest ensemble that you can wear for any occasion

The modest fashion is self-explanatory and it makes one feel good about themselves by staying in vogue as well as protecting one's beliefs. Now, dressing conservatively might go opposite to a lot of people as they are not used to the fashion trend but the world is shifting its perception by accepting this new approach to clothing. In fact, a random search about modest fashion on Google can give you 149m results. On the other hand, Pinterest UK has reported a 500% rise in modest fashion since 2019. 

The Rise in the Popularity of Modest Fashion

The global modest fashion movement has resulted in an altogether new market that accounts for billions and this figure is set to rise in coming years. According to the report of the State of the Global Islamic Economy, this fashion market will be worth £226bn in the year 2020. 

You can gauge the popularity by going through various YouTube channels that showcase modest high street collections to designer materials with pride. You can find distinct varieties of modest aesthetics including hijabs, burqas, tops, trousers, jackets, and dresses that preserve your beliefs. 



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