The Mistakes You Have to Avoid When Creating Your Maternity Style

A few months ago, we shared an article with you that offered up a few tips for finding the perfect maternity wear.

Now, we want to take a look at the opposite side of the coin.

You know what you should do to fid maternity wear. In this article, we’re going to look at some of the key mistakes that you need to avoid.

Mistake #1 – Losing Your Personal Sense of Style

This is a big one because your sense of style may be one of the first things to disappear when the bump starts growing.

Let us quickly preface this point.

We’re not saying that you shouldn’t shop for the clothes that make you feel the most comfortable. And we’re certainly not saying that you have to try and force yourself into outfits that simply aren’t suitable during this period of your life.

What we’re saying is that you’re going to run through a gamut of emotions during your pregnancy. At times, you may not feel hugely confidence, especially when your bump’s really starting to show.

If you lose your sense of style during this time, you could end up taking a real shot to your confidence. After all, your sense of style is one of the many things that define you. For years, you’ve cultivated a certain look that makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. If that disappears completely, you can’t rely on it to make you feel better when your confidence starts to wane!

So, don’t make the mistake of thinking that practicality is the only thing that should be on your mind when you shop for maternity wear. It is very possible to find practical clothes that also look the part and make you feel amazing in yourself when you’re wearing them.

Mistake #2 – Waiting too Long to Buy Them

Let us set the scene for you…

Your about seven months into your pregnancy. At this point, your bumps definitely starting to make everyday things a little more difficult. You might even find that you’re struggling to do things like tying your own laces.

As excited as you are to meet your little one, you also can’t deny that you’re feeling exhausted. You’ve been pushing yourself to keep working and maintain a regular life.

Now…do you really want to deal with the hassle of clothes shopping when you have all of this going on? Do you really want to spend hours searching through tons of items of clothing just to find something that will suit you?

Of course you don’t!

It’s a mistake to leave your maternity shopping for too long. In fact, we’d go so far as to say that shopping for maternity clothes should be a priority once you find out that you’re pregnant.

If you do it in the early weeks or months of the pregnancy, you will find that you have a lot more energy to spare. You’ll be able to get around the stores much more easily and you won’t find your patience disappearing quite as quickly.

Get it done early and that’s one more thing off your plate as you prepare to welcome your little one into the world.

Mistake #3 – Not Thinking About After the Pregnancy

It’s tempting to think that you’re only going to need your maternity clothes during your pregnancy.

But for most of us…that simply isn’t the case. Your bump will obviously shrink when you have your child. However, it’s not going to shrink overnight and you’re very unlikely to be able to fit into your old clothes as soon as you’ve had your child.

That’s why you really need to think about the maternity clothes that you’ll need in the months that come after giving birth. And specifically, you need to think about clothes that are breastfeeding friendly.

Again, try to get your shopping down early on so that you can transition straight into these clothes once you’ve had your baby. You will likely find that some of the maternity clothes that you used early on in your pregnancy will still fit you. But those while keeping the practicalities you’ll need to consider when you have a baby around in mind.

Mistake #4 – Not Buying New Underwear

We won’t belabour this point too much, as we know some people may find it a little embarrassing to talk about.

We’ll just say this.

Certain areas of your body will expand during your pregnancy. That means you’re going to need new underwear to account for these expansions.

That doesn’t really sound as delicate as it could, does it? So, we’ll just get straight to the point.

You’re going to need to shop around for new bras and underwear. Trying to fit into your old ones simply won’t work when you’re pregnant.

Mistake #5 – Not Considering Sleepwear

When we think about maternity clothes, we tend to focus more on what we’ll wear when we’re out and about. We’re so concerned about finding the right style while still feeling comfortable, that we forget about what we’re wearing when we’re not in the public eye.

Let us ask you this…

At one point in the day do you want to feel maximum comfort?

Of course, it’s at night time, specifically when you go to bed. It’s crucial that you restock your night time wardrobe with some maternity PJs and other garments. We recommend going for light and airy materials that allow your body to breathe as you’re going through all of these changes.

Without wanting to get too gross…you’ll also want things that are pretty easy to clean. Between morning sickness and other issues, it’s possible that your nightwear may have to deal with a few spillages. You don’t want to have to spend an eternity trying to clean up!

The Final Word

If you can avoid these five mistakes while buying your maternity wear, you’ll have an even more enjoyable pregnancy.

And of course, we’re here to help you if you’re just starting to look around for clothing. Check out our maternity range now to find plenty of items that are suitable for your changing body!

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